Current and future software needs remain focused towards the development and deployment of large and complex intelligent and networked information systems, required for the internet- and intranet-based systems in organizations, and covering a very wide range of application domains as well as technology and research issues.
For 2010 we have chosen three interrelated themes, to be covered explicitly by the respective component conferences:
- Cloud Computing Infrastructures
- The Internet of Things or Cyberphysical Systems
- (Semantic) Web 2.0 and Social Computing for the Enterprise
Covering these issues includes, but is not limited to, data- and Web semantics, distributed object architectures, Web services, cloud computing, high-performance and distributed applications, databases, workflow and business process management, community-driven computing, interoperability of information systems, mobility and ubiquitous computing, and methodologies.
The OnTheMove federated event is unique at providing an opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to meet and understand recent developments on these themes and issues, interacting with colleagues in adjoining related fields.
As before this 9th edition of OnTheMove (OTM 2010) co-locates four successful interrelated and complementary conferences that together attempt to span a relevant range of research and development, from fundamental technology to enterprise application. They are DOA`10 = infrastructure and architecture in particular for cloud computing, ODBASE`10 = meaning of data as needed for databases and methodologies, CoopIS`10 = applications of distributed and collaborative computing in networked organizations, and IS`10 = information security in the networked world. Each conference covers multiple research vectors, viz. theory (e.g. underlying formalisms), conceptual level (e.g. technical designs and conceptual solutions) and applications (e.g. case studies and industrial best practices).
All four federated conferences share the rigorous scientific study of the distributed, conceptual and ubiquitous aspects of modern computing systems, and share the resulting technology- and application-pull created by the WWW.
As they must, these subject areas overlap in interesting and occasionally fascinating ways, and in fact the organizers specifically welcome submissions in any of the areas that also emphasize the envisaged impact on or from relevant issues in the others. To stimulate this "cross-pollination", we offer a shared program of famous and representative keynote speakers (to be announced later), as well as a parallel program consisting of a number of highly topical workshops covering emerging related areas. We therefore continuously encourage new workshop proposals!
The OnTheMove federated conferences are organized on a yearly basis by the Distributed Objects and Applications Institute (DOAI), a not-for-profit foundation incorporated in Belgium with the sole mission to actively promote research, interaction and dissemination on the issues covered by OTM.
Workshops 2010- ADI 2010: 3rd International Workshop on Ambient Data Integration
- AVYTAT 2010: First International Workshop on Adaptation in serVice EcosYsTems and ArchiTectures
- DATAVIEW`10: International Workshop on DATA Visualization and Integration in Enterprises and on the Web
- EI2N 2010: 5th International Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking
- ISDE 2010: 2nd International Workshop on Information Systems in Distributed Environment
- MONET 2010: Fifth International Workshop on MObile and NEtworking Technologies for social applications
- OnToContent 2010: The 6th International Workshop on Ontology Content
- ORM 2010: International Workshop on Fact-Oriented Modeling
- P2P CDVE 2010: International Workshop on P2P Collaborative Distributed Virtual Environments
- SeDeS 2010: International Workshop on Semantic & Decision Support
- SWWS 2010: 6th International IFIP Workshop on Semantic Web & Web Semantics