The value of road-mapping for overall business success
Comprehensive stakeholder prioritization process
Collect the necessary data
Performing continuous re-planning to accommodate most recent changes in effort and business
Optimized release strategies for different business objectives
Prediction of stakeholder excitement with various proposed release strategies, and implementation of a plan operationally in the best possible way with the resources available
Who should Attend
Chief technology officers, product and project managers, consultants, chief operating officers and business analysts from:
All kinds of service providers
Software and software-based systems
Government und Municipalities
Oil and Gas: Upstream oil and gas is considered to substantially benefit from IT support in the near future
Banking and Insurance
Continuous Education: Dynamically changing features and options for new media facilitate computer-supported learning and teaching
Manufacturing: Processes and decisions need to be optimized to enable enterprise`s competitiveness
Past Events
Optimized Product and Service Portfolios - Methods, Tools and Applications (1.2 CEUs) 2013 - 24-25 Jan 2013, Toronto Airport West Hotel, Mississauga, Canada (24233)
Please, check "Optimized Product and Service Portfolios - Methods, Tools and Applications (1.2 CEUs)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements