Turning A Blind Eye is a response mechanism we all do consciously or unconsciously to matters that impact on us that are hard to deal with. One can call it the the silence of self and others . Too often we have seen traumatised children behave as if they or their reality do not exist and too often through our own behaviour we support this view. I believe it is time to confront our own denial and that of others!
Our own humanity is in question and we need to face up to the realities effecting orphans and vulnerable children. We are living in a time of profound contrast. While overall growth and development is improving the lives of millions, the self destructive greed of a few undermines whole economies. While many of us enjoy incredible scientific progress a substantial part of the global population lives in medieval squalor. Life expectancy is increasing for most of the world but in Africa we continue to bury our children long before they are able to reach self actualisation.
We have to take a look at ourselves and honestly ask how much are we, our communities, and our governments contribute toward the poverty, suffering, pain, loneliness, hurt, insecurity and disease affecting vulnerable children and orphans. Borrowing from Khalil Kibran.. our children are not our children, but the sons and daughters of life s longing for life. We have a duty to provide the shoulders for all children to stand on so that they can exceed our horizon and reach beyond our reach. How we treat these most vulnerable members of society defines our humanity.
The 1st OVC conference in Africa creates an opportunity to grapple with these challenges and to examine our humanity, our world, and the reality we share with orphans and vulnerable children. This is an opportunity to define what we as society and as individuals can do to create a better place for ourselves and all children now and in the future. Time is short and there is a need for purposeful action. This is not intended to be an elite and expensive talkfest, but a time for review and action.
The conferences must become the platform that focuses global attention on OVCs in Africa and the catalyst for tangible change. A conference of this nature is long overdue. For too long has there been the expectation that this critical area of need would be covered by other conferences or regional structures however on a day to day basis more and more children find themselves at risk and vulnerable to exploitation and abuse while the number of orphans are escalating and resource to support them declining.
This conference sets out to:
- Highlight the critical need across Africa in regards to orphans and vulnerable children
- Identify gaps and provide recommendations that enable policies and regulations to better serve the needs of orphans and vulnerable children locally as well as regionally across Africa and beyond
- Identify interventions that support them as well as their care and education
- Understand how successful interventions can stimulate action in various areas of need across Africa, like improving parental care, education and psychosocial support
- Setting the tone for future conferences to ensure an ongoing awareness of the plight of these children as well as a review of progress in addressing their needs.
Workers in the field of care, education and support, academics and professionals working with orphans and vulnerable children, human rights lawyers and community workers, regulators and politicians, members of civil society and leaders of industry who are interested in making a difference are warmly invited to attend.