Patients as Partners Europe is a conference dedicated to way to involve patients throughout the entire medicines development life cycle for greater efficiencies in clinical research.
What does good patient practice look like?
How have best practices advanced in 2017?
How to Make Patient Involvement Systemic and Sustainable Throughout Medicines Development
What approaches have been successful? What does this success look like?
An assessment of general awareness & comprehension
Views on the risks, benefits, and safety of clinical research
The clinical trial volunteer experience
The impact of a well-informed healthcare professional on perceptions
Differentiating between patient engagement and patient experience
UCB’s roadmap to holistic patient engagement
The Impact of a Patient Advisory Board at Santhera Pharmaceuticals
Review of tools used
Patient insights on when and how they want to be engaged
How to optimize patient networks
Education on cultural differences
International access to patient opinions
Showcase the shift in attitude towards pharma
Plaisterers' Hall ,
One London Wall, London, United Kingdom