The 16th Annual Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Ethics and Compliance Congress is dedicated to best practices and approaches to help manage challenges in the pharmaceutical and medical device industry in a complex regulatory and compliance landscape, covering new laws, regulation and codes in the the region.
Who should Attend
- Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
- Clinical Research Organizations
- Site Management Organizations
- Wholesale, Retail, Mail Order and Internet Pharmacies
- Management Companies
- Pharmaceutical and Health Care Professionals
- Health Care Regulators and Policy Makers
- Regulatory and Compliance Professionals
- Executives and Board Members
- Physicians
- Medical Directors
- Food and Drug Law Attorneys
- Pharmacists
- In-house Counsel
- Health Care Attorneys
- Privacy Officers
- Compliance Officers
- Pharmaceutical Consultants
- Ethics Officers and Corporate Social Responsibility Personnel
- Venture Capitalists
- Investment Bankers
- Auditors
- Health Services Researchers and Academics
- Risk Management Personnel
- Promotion Signatories/Approvers