Initiative to shield against counterfeiting and impact on industry
Update on the European Falsified Medicines Directive
EMA updates and practical advice for appropriately expressing product strength
Product identification options on packaging, including current use of 2D barcodes
Ensuring effective readability to improve usability of pharmaceutical packaging
Developments related to GS1 standards and their impact on pharmaceutical packaging
Examining the current status of CEN TS 15945, forthcoming ISO standard on design criteria-ease of opening ISO DIS 17480 and requirements child-resistant packaging
Patient compliance or patient partnership?
The role of effective packaging for improved patient adherence and compliance read more
Package design for ease of opening for elderly patients and child-resistance
Optimising the Labelling / Artwork interface
Past Events
Pharmaceutical Packaging 2014 - 28-29 Oct 2014, Maritim proArte Hotel Berlin, Germany (46543)
Please, check "Pharmaceutical Packaging" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements