The Breakthrough Strategies to Teach & Counsel Troubled Youth Workshop delivers 200 ready-to-use, more effective strategies to turnaround defiant, unmotivated, difficult, truant, violent, conduct disordered, oppositional, emotionally disturbed, depressed, non-compliant, learning disabled, and withdrawn youth and children ages 5 through 18. This workshop offers updated, innovative solutions that are more effective than conventional approaches.
If you are a teacher, counselor, special educator, social worker, psychologist, juvenile court worker, foster parent, or anyone who works with hard-to-reach, hard-to-manage youth and children, you will use every word of this workshop. Workshop participants will be asked to name the specific problem areas and ages that they want to cover during the course, and will walk out the door at the end of the seminar with 200 powerful, problem-stopping answers. The course workbook (shown here) includes interventions and resources from our popular books, including our best selling Anti Social Youth and Conduct Disorders, and Turn On the Turned-Off Student.