International operations, the general risks, the role of E&P subsidiaries, the accounting issues and the financial accounting for Product Sharing Contracts (PSC)
Accounting for Farmouts, Carried Interests and Unitizations
General principles of accounting for Conveyances
Application of accounting for Partnership Interest
Who should Attend
Accounting and finance professionals involved in upstream joint ventures and production sharing contracts including:
Financial Analysis
Executives and Managers from Upstream E&P Accounting
Financial Controllers
Production Sharing and Project Management
Joint Ventures
Past Events
Practical Accounting in JV and PSC 2016 - 09-11 Mar 2016, The Luxton Bandung, Indonesia (46091)
Practical Accounting in JV and PSC 2015 - 18-20 Nov 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (47523)
Please, check "Practical Accounting in JV and PSC" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements