7th PREDiCT:3D Models Summit is a conference dedicated to critical questions about the true utility and limitations of these models in pharmaceutical development.
- Where 3D microphysiological systems have been validated and qualified as predictive models for drug safety and efficacy
- Practical applications and the utility of 3D microphysiological models
- The potential of 3D microphysiological systems as more effective and predictive in-vitro tools in the drug development
- The latest advances in 3D Culturing and how to best implement them to enrich your pipeline
- How to overcome the remaining barriers for pharma to truly adopt and implement these systems across the board
- Bio-computational strategies utilizing complex 3D systems to increase predictability and translatability to the clinic
- How to approach designing and engineering 3D tissue platforms
Who should Attend
Senior attendees from the pharmaceutical industry and academia.