After our very successful
`Molecular Farming - plant biologicals` event in 2008 we are pleased to announce this follow up event which will be chaired again by Professor Julian K-C. Ma, Hotung Chair of Molecular Immunology, St. George`s, University of London, UK
This event has CPD approval.
The agenda includes:
- Increasing yields of medicinals by plant molecular breeding Professor Ian A Graham, CNAP Director & Weston Chair of Biochemical Genetics, The University of York, UK
- Tackling chronic disease through improvements to foods Professor Cathie Martin, Norwich Research Park, UK
- Using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) to detect biologically-active compounds in plant extracts Professor Peter Houghton, Emeritus Professor Pharmaceutical sciences Division, Kings College London
- Containment strategies in biopharming Professor Denis J Murphy, University of Glamorgan, UK
- Engineering JA-regulated secondary metabolism in plants Dr Alessandra Devoto, Royal Holloway - University of London, UK
- Metabolic engineering of high-value and nutritional isoprenoids in plants Dr Paul Frazer, Royal Holloway University London, UK