The conference will examine how regional policy and stakeholders can efficiently decrease inequalities in health by addressing the social determinants of health.
Central questions to be addressed are: what works and what doesn`t? how can research outcomes be translated into policy? What and how to tell the policy makers?
On November 9th in the afternoon, a special session will be dedicated to discuss the Flemish policy in reducing health inequalities and the identify minimal requirements for intersectoral policy development.
We aim to encourage all policy areas and levels to pay more attention to the social determinants of health so that structural inequalities in health can be avoided or reduced.
Past Events
Reducing health inequalities from a regional perspective - what works, what doesn`t work? 2010 - 08-09 Nov 2010, C-Mine, Genk, Belgium (9560)
Please, check "Reducing health inequalities from a regional perspective - what works, what doesn`t work?" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Government & Global Issues: Government administration