The energy sector in Ontario is undergoing tremendous change with the passing of the Green Energy and Green Economy Act (GEGEA) and, with it, come significant environmental and socio-economic opportunities, and challenges.
To meet infrastructure demands as we adapt to a more sustainable, green energy economy, the Ontario Government has earmarked a number of long term transmission projects in areas with significant potential for renewable power generation. In turn, local distribution companies (LDCs) are now obligated to connect distributed and renewable generation projects to the distribution grid, including two-way distribution for those customers who want to install solar panels on their roof or connect larger solar, wind and biofuel projects.
The Ontario Power Authority has also come out with one of the most aggressive new Feed-In Tariff programs for renewable energy in North America which will make investments in renewable energy and community power projects competitive with conventional long term investments. Accordingly, the Ontario Energy Board s mandate continues to grow to ensure the appropriate regulations are in place.
This Insight Information conference will offer a focused, practical and informative two-day program of thought-provoking panels and presentations, delivered by leading experts and decision makers in the field. Hear about the latest developments underway to transform Ontario s economy into a green economy and the economic growth and employment prospects that go hand in hand with these developments. For added value, you may wish to take advantage of the in-depth, interactive workshops that will help you successfully navigate new funding programs being offered by the Ontario Power Authority.
We look forward to seeing you March 1-2, 2010!