Cloud technologies – Platforms and IoT and how to utilize them in-store
How can we close the digital divide and take advantage of IoT’s transformative potential in retail?
Do we need a revolution or evolution? – Agile business and adaptable technology
How are machine learning, AI and predictive analytics shaping the future of retail
The in-store experience of tomorrow – Discover which interactive technologies will drive in-store (mobile) engagement and how you can implement them in your business today
Define the right IoT technology for your brand. What are the latest technologies that enhance the personalization experience in IoT retail?
Past Events
Rethink! Internet of Retails Minds 2017 - 21-22 Sep 2017, Hotel Atlantic Hamburg, Autograph Collection, Germany (68358)
Please, check "Rethink! Internet of Retails Minds" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements