This `can`t miss` meeting featured hands-on cadaver labs showing the latest MISS procedures, two full days of CME-accredited didactic sessions, including lectures from MISS leaders, in-depth case discussions, oral abstracts and e-Posters on the newest research. New technique forums, supported by MISS companies, featured detailed presentations, videos, and hands-on display of the most cutting-edge MISS technology.
Visitors profile
Surgeon, Neurosurgeon, Orthopedic Surgeon, Allied Health Professional, Nurse, PA, Clinician, Medical Device Professional
Relevant Keywords
Mis Spine, Spine, Spinal Tumor, Aaos, Cns, Nass, Aans, Sas Degenerative, Deformity, Spinal, Medical Device, Disc, Surgery, Medical, Ddd, Implant