Methods of correctly diagnosing and treating sports medicine-related injuries and conditions, with the most up-to-date evidence, considering cost and speed
Diagnostic modalities to address sports medicine injuries, and how they may be used differently in Asia and in the United States, considering cost differences and availability issues
Physical examination maneuvers and testing appropriate for sports injuries commonly seen in the sports popular in Asia and the United States, learning different ways of doing them as taught and demonstrated by an international faculty
Skills in determining athletes ability to return to sports and regular activities after injuries, in various sports, comparing those more popular in Asia versus those popular in the United States, citing parallels and differences
Which sports-related injuries and conditions call for expeditious testing or referral to specialists, considering common algorithms employed in various countries; and
Treat sports injuries commonly encountered in Asia and the United States, with consideration given to prevailing practices, identifying need to gather more evidence and collaborate , when needed
Basic sports medicine procedures as they are done in Asia and the United States, and how they are explained to patients in these world regions
Who should Attend
Physical therapists
Athletic trainers
Family physicians
Sports medicine physicians
ER physicians
Medical providers involved in the care and management of athletes
Active individuals in clinic or non-operative/non-surgical/non-invasive settings
Past Events
Sports Convergence: The Mayo Clinic International Sports Medicine Conference - 21-23 Nov 2020, The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal, United Arab Emirates (89341)
Please, check "Sports Convergence: The Mayo Clinic International Sports Medicine Conference" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements