Different strategic approaches that organisations adopt
Risk management and its links with corporate strategy
The overarching importance of effectively managing critical interfaces
The importance of dealing with change and the role that strategic risk management plays in creating a sustainable competitive advantage for the organization
The strategic capabilities of their organization
How to apply a range of analysis tools and techniques that will inform strategic risk management practices within the organization
How to assess the organisations strategic risk procedures
The critical importance of effectively managing stakeholders
The relationship between strategic risk management and corporate social responsibility
Create and manage a strategic risk management plan
Who should Attend
Procurement departments
Contract personnel/managers/administrators
Individuals engaged within risk management
Individuals involved in managing project inventories
Anyone else wanting to learn more about EPC contracts
Team leaders
Past Events
SRM Strategic Risk Management 2019 - 05-07 Aug 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (84815)
Please, check "SRM Strategic Risk Management" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements