Guest of Honour: Professor Roger Boyle, National Director for Heart Disease and Stroke, Department of Health
This seminar will look at the future direction of the National Stroke Strategy, and examine its record so far. The Strategy was launched in November 2007 and followed up recently with the Act F.A.S.T campaign. At this seminar policy makers, clinicians, patients groups and others will examine how effective the strategy has been at improving the early detection of stroke, delivery of stroke services, patient experience and outcomes and consider the options for policy.
We are delighted to be able to include in this seminar keynote presentations from Professor Roger Boyle, National Director for Heart Disease and Stroke, Department of Health and Jon Barrick, Chief Executive, The Stroke Association.
Lucy Grothier, Network Director, South London Cardiac and Stroke Network; Janet Ratcliffe, Network Director, Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cardiac and Stroke Network and Phil Collis, Stroke Project Manager, TLC Care Services have also kindly agreed to speak at this event.