Register today for the most interesting and insightful Patent Litigation seminar of the year.
Leading practitioners from the UK, Germany, and France will provide you with information on the key trends as well as practical guidance on how to implement patent litigation strategies successfully in the EU
Discover what s on the horizon how will the Community Patent Court work and what will it mean for the way you work?
E-bay in the EU? How does competition law affect the patentee s ability to win an injunction, FRAND defences and essential patents?
Navigate the interplay between EPO oppositions and national court litigation
Where to get your evidence and how
ADR and patent litigation are arbitration or mediation suitable alternatives to the classical forms of dispute resolution?
Past Events
Successful Patent Litigation In Europe - 14-15 Dec 2009, The Rembrandt Hotel, London, United Kingdom (1529)
Please, check "Successful Patent Litigation In Europe" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements