Combating Rising Energy Costs, Enhancing Efficiency and Future Proofing For Sustainability Why is IQPC s
Sustainable Facilities Management 2010 09 event taking place?
Reducing costs and being environmentally responsible are an increasing priority of top level executives, and as the person in charge of the facility, they turn to you in order to overcome these challenges. This conference has been developed for your benefit and for you to learn innovative solutions you can implement into your facility including how to:
- Increase your energy efficiency
- Build a business case for sustainability
- Find cost benefits to prove a return on the time you invest, and the technology you need
Facilities, sustainability and environmental managers are all working together to implement strategies, which will improve the companies bottom line and image. Reducing emissions and becoming more energy efficient has the added bonus of greatly improving the image of your company, therefore having the potential to add more value to your facility.