Tanker Shipping and Trade Conference 2024

  • 22 Oct 2024
  • London, United Kingdom


The Tanker Shipping and Trade Conference 2024 is dedicated to the latest challenges, trends and innovations advancing crude tanker shipping and trade and the Impacts of an ageing tanker fleet.

The Tanker Shipping and Trade Conference 2024 covers topics such as:

  • Impacts of an ageing tanker fleet on the industry’s ability to meet regulatory targets and respond to supply disruptions
  • Latest trends, challenges and innovations advancing tanker shipping and trade
  • How banks’ credit decisions are being influenced by factors such as carbon reduction capabilities and sustainability-linked financing

The Tanker Shipping and Trade Conference 2024 brings together:

  • Charterers, shipmanagers and port operators
  • Shipping company executives
  • Financiers, lawyers, brokers, traders, insurers and investors
  • Regulators, policymakers and classification societies
  • Training institutions, academia and consultants
  • Fleet managers, Technical superintendents and Operations directors
  • Shipyards, the tanker and terminal supply chain, data analytics providers

The Tanker Shipping and Trade Conference 2024 will be held in London, United Kingdom on 22 Oct 2024.


  • London, United Kingdom

More Details

Riviera Maritime Media Ltd

Future Events


Please, check "Tanker Shipping and Trade Conference" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Business: Logistics
Industry: Energy & Utilities, Maritime
Services: Transport

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