The First Built Environment Development Symposium 2010: Real Estate Development and Sustainable Housing aims to reach to future sustainable real estate and housing development. This aim stems from the following objectives:
Providing an opportunity for researchers, developers and those who are interested in built environment development sectors to come together, discuss and contribute to the existing research studies on "real estate" and its role in achieving "sustainable housing development" and thereby improving and facilitating the provision of housing needed by urban and rural community with appropriate quantity and quality.
Addressing different dimensions, recent developments and market mechanisms that control the production and circulation of dwellings. This is within under the umbrella of sustainable built environment development.
Examining ways to build and deploy the culture of "sustainable real estate development" among government, public and private bodies as well as citizens and parties involved in the process of comprehensive urban redevelopment.
Explore and identify the most important challenges and opportunities facing the application of the concept of "sustainable real estate development" in real life
Review of successful experiences, evaluate current efforts and suggest future directions and policies to develop and apply the concept of "sustainable real estate development."