Ultra-wideband, broadband and multi-frequency antennas
Antennas for remote sensing
Antennas for mobile communication
Analytical and numerical methods
Measurements of antenna parameters
Industrial and medical applications of microwave technology
Components and circuits of microwave and optoelectronic communication systems
Antenna radomes and absorbers
Electromagnetic compatibility
Radio Science
Fields and waves
Electromagnetic metrology
Electronics and photonics
Radio communication systems and signal processing
Wave propagation and remote sensing
Electromagnetic environment and interference
Waves in plasmas
Ionospheric radio and propagation
Electromagnetics in biology and medicine
Radio astronomy
Past Events
The 2nd Conference on Radio Science and Antenna Technology (RSAT 2016) - 02-04 Mar 2016, Beijing Yanshan Hotel, China (54798)
Please, check "The Conference on Radio Science and Antenna Technology (RSAT)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements