The Future of Electric Vehicles: Battery Technology, Energy Storage Solutions and Autonomous Driving 2016 is a conference that addresses the global competitive landscape of electric vehicles, and the opportunities and potential challenges of EV development and trends.
The Future of Electric Vehicles: Battery Technology, Energy Storage Solutions and Autonomous Driving 2016 is a conference that addresses
- The different types of EV batteries and their diverse applications
- The latest battery technologies and commercial developments
- Smart public and work charging to increase EV acceptance and adoption
- Optimum energy storage and security to increase efficiency and user confidence
- Autonomous driving as the next big step in vehicular development
- Analyze EV data effectively to predict and shape user behavior
- Integrate EVs in modern residential and commercial infrastructures for visionary mobility
- Smart grids and renewable energy in future smart cities
- Electric public transport to promote EV tourism
Who should Attend
Automotive manufacturers, components manufacturers, utility providers, governmental institutions, retailers and other key players.