Animation animation languages, algorithms and techniques, applications, animation systems, behavioral animation, artificial intelligence and animation, collision detection, character animation, facial animation, computer animation, motion capture, human figure animation, particle systems, motion control and kinematics, robotics and animation, plausible motion simulation, virtual tours and virtual humans
Imaging and image processing color imaging, acoustic imaging, digital imaging, computer vision, digital video, digital photography, hyper-spectral imaging, holographic imaging, image and pattern analysis, image acquisition techniques, image data management, image compression, image ontology, image manipulation, image segmentation, image quality, internet imaging, image synthesis techniques, multi-spectral imaging, medical imaging, remote sensing, pattern recognition, stereo vision, software languages and tools for imaging, wireless imaging and volumetric imaging
Human-computer interaction collaborative system design, applications, education, design techniques, graphical interfaces, e-learning, interface software and tools, intelligent user interfaces, mobile interfaces, interfaces and agents, user requirements, speech recognition and web designing
Visualization collaborative visualization, augmented reality, distributed visualization, computer games, human perception, graph and network visualization, real-time visual simulation, information visualization, virtual reality, scientific and mathematical visualization, visualization and knowledge discovery, visualization algorithms, visualization software and visualization of virtual objects
Rendering image-based rendering, illumination models, parallel rendering, monti-carlo and finite element techniques, ray tracing, radiosity, volume rendering, rendering algorithms and systems
Who should Attend
Practitioners and researchers interested in the advances and applications of computer graphics and imaging.
Past Events
The 14th IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging - CGIM 2013 - 12-14 Feb 2013, Congress und messe innsbruck, Austria (27642)
The 13th IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging - CGIM 2012 - 18-20 Jun 2012, Hersonissos, Greece (27641)
The Eleventh IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging ~CGIM 2010~ - 17-19 Feb 2010, Congress und messe innsbruck, Austria (177)
Please, check "The IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging - CGIM" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements