The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2025) is dedicated to computer vision and pattern recognition including color detection, tracking, motion, object recognition, stereo and object detection.
- 3D from single images
- 3D from multi-view and sensors
- Autonomous driving
- Adversarial attack and defense
- Computational imaging
- Biometrics
- Computer vision theory
- Computer vision for social good
- Deep learning architectures and techniques
- Datasets and evaluation
- Efficient and scalable vision
- Document analysis and understanding
- Explainable computer vision
- Embodied vision: Active agents, simulation
- Movement
- Humans: Face, body, pose, gesture
- Low-level vision
- Image and video synthesis and generation
- Medical and biological vision, cell microscopy
- Machine learning (other than deep learning)
- Optimization methods (other than deep
- Multimodal learning
- Photogrammetry and remote sensing
- Learning)
- Recognition: Categorization, detection
- Physics-based vision and shape-from-X
- Representation learning
- Retrieval
- Scene analysis and understanding
- Robotics
- Self-& semi-& meta-& unsupervised learning
- Segmentation, grouping and shape analysis
- Learning
- Transfer/ low-shot/ continual/ long-tail
- And ethics in vision
- Transparency, fairness, accountability, privacy
- Video: Low-level analysis, motion, and
- Video: Action and event understanding
- Vision + graphics
- Tracking
- Vision applications and systems
- Vision, language, and reasoning