This year`s special theme is "Evolving information systems". Modern information systems are the result of the interconnection of systems of many organizations, are running in variable contexts, and require both a lightweight approach to interoperability and the capability to actively react to changing requirements and failures. In addition, users of information systems are becoming more and more mobile and ubiquitous, requiring the system to adapt to their varying usage contexts and goals.
The evolution of an information system should be a continuous process rather than a single step, and it should be inherently supported by the system itself and the design of the information system should consider evolution as an inherent property of the system. The special events and invited speakers of CAiSE `10 will shed light on this theme from various perspectives.
Topics will include:
- Methodologies and approaches for IS engineering
- Innovative platforms, architectures and technologies for IS engineering
- Engineering of specific kinds of IS
- Quality concerns in IS engineering