Imminent changes in the biosafety and biosecurity world are driving new plans for more standardized, safer, and higher-security solutions for human and animal pathogen research, vaccine development, and clinical environments. This involves decision-making on technical options, cost models, maintainability issues, construction quality assurance, operating risks, and the outlook for research futures.
At this conference you ll get details from international industry leaders at the CDC, US Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Univ. of Pittsburgh/Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Dept. of Foreign Affairs-Canada, Pirbright Institute for Animal Health UK, Colorado State University and others on what the new objectives and standards for capacity, safety, security, and cost-controls are, and how to successfully achieve them in designing, constructing, and operating your biocontainment facilities.
Make sure your institution is represented at this conference to stay on top of the new standards, policies, and procedures for the construction and safe operation of biocontainment facilities.