The 7th International Conference on Modern Educational Technology (ICMET 2025) focuses on advancements in educational technology, innovative teaching methods, and digital tools for enhancing learning experiences.
- Technology-Enhanced Learning and Digital Transformation
- Infrastructure & Educational Technologies/ICT Applications/Digital Learning Materials
- Innovation, Challenges, Strategies & Experiences
- Mobile Learning, MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
- Online/E-Learning & Distance Learning
- Social Media Technics on Serious Games, Game-Based Learning and Gamification
- Smart Classroom, Virtual & Remote Labs, Robotics
- Educational Software and Development
- X-Reality and Immersive Learning Environments
- Multimedia for Education
- Improving Teaching and Learning
- 21st. Century Skills Development & Competences
- Effective Learning Activities, Methodologies and Models, Practice, & Laboratories
- Education and Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
- Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Diversity & Inclusion Issues
- Adult, Lifelong Learning, & Professional Development
- Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis Support, Retention of Women & Gender Equality
- Intelligent system in Education and Learning
- Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary & Transdisciplinary Education, Education & Research, Educational Research Experiences
- Innovative Applications
- Scaling up and Large-scale Deployment of AIED Systems
- Domain-specific Learning Applications (e.g. language, science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, military, industry)
- Intelligent system in Education and Learning
- E-Learning tools, systems, and applications
- Knowledge Management in E-Learning
- Data-driven Learning Analysis in Education
- New types of Examinations
- E-Laboratory
- Quality Assurance in Educational Technologies
- Innovation in Teaching & Learning of the Common Core Curriculum
- Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics (including ESL / TESL / TEFL)
- Mathematics & Natural Sciences
- Economic, Social and Human Sciences
- Challenging & Preserving: Culture, Inter/Multiculturalism & Language
- Computers for Education
- Professional, Ethical & Social Responsibility
- Web-Based Education and Training
- Transfer of Know-how for Educational Technologies