The Predictive Utility of Behavior Based Interviews: A Hands-on Training with Practical Handouts 2016
01 Nov 2016
Why traditional interviews are not suited for all jobs
The basics of behavioral-based interviews
Preparing for a behavioral-based interview
SOAR Fundamentals and how to apply SOAR in your interview
Top 10 Tips for Interviewers
338 Behavioral based questions for practice
Understand source of interviewer rater errors
15 Key Competencies to Add to Your Job Description and Include in Interviews
Conduct thorough, targeted interviews to maximize hiring success
How to link corporate values to employee selection
Learn how to remove subjectivity from hiring decisions
The secret formula to formulating the perfect Behavioral-Based Interview questions
Making objective selection decisions based on responses to your behavioral interviewing techniques
Obtain a clear, concise and effective interview structure
Who should Attend
HR Professionals
Employment specialists
Company leaders including directors, managers, and front-line supervisors
Past Events
The Predictive Utility of Behavior Based Interviews: A Hands-on Training with Practical Handouts 2016 - 01 Nov 2016, Webinar (63199)
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