Handmade has never been cooler and `mass-production` is yesterday s news, so come and see the latest talent in Australia s craft and design community and learn the stories behind their quirky products. The Stitches & Craft Show brings more than 200 retailers together under one roof, and presents fashion parades and demonstrations to show how traditional craft techniques are influencing the most cutting-edge fashion and lifestyle trends. It will be showcasing an unrivalled selection of crafts, workshops and special events as well as the signature features introduced in 2009 - the Craft Bars, the Incubator, the Reconstruction Zone and Craft Happy Hour!
Australia s longest-running craft show has some exciting news! If you missed out this year but didn`t miss the buzz, the show will be coming your way in 2010. After the success of the `new look` show in 2009 we are proud to announce that due to overwhelming demand from the states that missed out that the show will be travelling further afield to Adelaide, Canberra and Perth! If you re passionate about handmade or seeking to unearth your creative side in 2010, we have some diary dates [see below] for you.