Enhance your professional growth with an internationally recognized certification! Differentiate yourself, fast-track your career, enhance your skills, or upgrade your pay grade. If you are not certified, you re just one in a crowd...
Why should I attend? The course has been designed to strengthen model structuring skills. By adopting a structured design strategy, better models can be developed in less time and with greater accuracy thus streamlining processes and
increasing profits! If you want to master the art of efficient and effective financial modeling, then this is a must attend course! Benefits of attending this highly interactive 5 day course:
- Successful completion of this course makes you a Certified Financial Modeller. You can use the designation CFM on your business card and resume
- Membership to the only professional body recognised by the AACSB, the worlds leading collection of business schools
- Up to 18 months membership to the IAFM professional body
- Access to the IAFM network and body of information online
- Preferred access to education centres in USA, UK, Europe, Asia, Middle East and Latin America
- Access to the IAFM journal published online
- Gold Embossed Certificate with your name and designation as MIAFM (Member of the International Academy of Financial Management)