Geology of organic-rich shales – prediction of good quality targets
Basic petroleum economics of unconventional projects; Risking of unconventional prospects.
Production of unconventional oil & gas. Production curves. The EUR
Use of seismic data in unconventional petroleum E & P;
Occurrence and distribution of unconventional oil and natural gas; other energy sources
Sequence stratigraphy – application in unconventional petroleum; Basin Analysis on a PC;
Unconventional petroleum (shale gas/oil etc.) – theory and practice;
Calculation of unconventional reserves – various methods.
Past Events
Unconventional Petroleum (Shale Gas Oil, CBM, TAR Sands, Oil Sands, Gas Hydrates etc..). Geology, Exploration & Production 2019 - 04-07 Nov 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (84852)
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