Updates to the EPA Final Rule for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals and FDA-Approved Nicotine (P075)
22 Jul 2019
List effective dates and states timeline for adoption
Identify the goals of the new pharmaceutical rule
Define elements of Part 266 Subpart P" including the EPA definition of "healthcare facilities" and sewer ban
Discuss the adoption for change in nicotine listing
Who should Attend
Accreditation specialists
Healthcare managers of RCRA hazardous waste
Senior leaders responsible for the environment of care
Pharmacy Directors
Long term care Managers
Clinic Managers (healthcare, pharmacies, veterinary, chiropractic, optical and dental clinics)
Managers of pharmacies and ambulance services
Past Events
Updates to the EPA Final Rule for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals and FDA-Approved Nicotine (P075) - 22 Jul 2019, Webinar (86024)
Please, check "Updates to the EPA Final Rule for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals and FDA-Approved Nicotine (P075)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements