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2016 Urogynecological Coding Update
20 Jan 2016
2016 Urogynecological Coding Update
Coding guidance for all types of vaginal and uterine prolapses
Proper coding for labioplasty and skin excision from the vagina
Avoiding coding complications resulting from gynecological procedures
Coding for all types of vaginal slings
Coding for fistula repairs
Understanding Mesh placements
Coding for complicated urogynecological procedures using multiple techniques at one encounter and more
Insights on urogynecological laparoscopic and robotic surgeries
Who should Attend
Past Events
2016 Urogynecological Coding Update - 20 Jan 2016, Webinar
Please, check "Urogynecological Coding Update" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
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Health & Medicine:
Gynecology & Obstetrics, Healthcare, Urology
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