The Wearable Technology Conference and Expo 2014 is dedicated to the latest trends and developments in the wearable technology market, including:
- Live Products Demo
- Products and applications in Sport and Fitness, Medical Innovation, Gaming, Health and Lifestyle, Enterprise & Industrial, Fashion & Entertainment and more
- Augmented Reality, Mobile Marketing, and App Development
- M2M and The Internet of Things
- Mart Technology and applications - sensors and developments in garment design and how the commercial model works
For the first time, established companies like Basis, Misfit Wearables, Kreyos, Glass Up, Fitbit and Orsto will parade their latest technology plus a number of entrepreneurs and developers will be demoing or launching new products including:
- UK startup SmartLife have a number of new announcements in the sports and wellbeing field
- Instabeat, winner of several innovation awards, have developed a performance monitoring tool for swimmers, which is simply clipped onto a pair of goggles
- Sunnycam will be demonstrating their updated product range of head mounted videos
- Sunfriend will be launching their new wristband at the show, which tracks daily vitamin D intake and heightens awareness of skin cancer
- Product demonstrations will include Google Glass, as well as over a dozen other key companies