Women`s Health, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault & Legal and Ethical Aspects of End-of-Life Care 2019 is a 7-Night Greece & Croatia Cruise Conference Round-trip Venice.
Dying and the Patient With Decisionmaking Capacity
Explain the difference between advance directives and physicians orders regarding end-of-life treatment options
Differentiate between instructional and proxy advance directives
Identify the gaps that arise between advance directives and orders in patient charts
Discuss these differences with patients with decisionmaking capacity so that their wishes are memorialized in case of loss of that capacity
Assess the utility of POLST as a way to fill in those gaps
End of Life Care and Refusal of Treatment
Explain the lines the line draws between appropriate and inappropriate end-of-life treatment choices for patients
Discuss ethically and legal appropriate end-of-life treatment choices with patients
Palliative Care and Hospice
Explain Medicare requirements for the coverage of hospice care
Explain the difference between palliative care and hospice
Evaluate suggestions of hospice care made by other members of the care team or by hospice providers themselves
When the Patient Lacks Decisionmaking Capacity (With or Without An Advance Directive)
Analyze decisionmaking approaches under the three possibly applicable legal standards: substituted judgment, best interests, and the legally disfavored subjective test
Explain state laws that permit family members or others acting on behalf of patients lacking capacity to speak on their behalf
Futility: When Family Members Want It All
Explain the concept of medical futility
Explain legal recognition of death by neurological criteria and differentiate between issues involving patients satisfying that criteria and patients who do not, under the law
Compare state laws specifically describing procedures to be followed when clinicians view a patient s treatment as futile with state laws that are less procedurally specific
Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative futility
Who should Attend
Physician Assistants
Nurse Practitioners. Attorneys
Past Events
Women`s Health, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault & Legal and Ethical Aspects of End-of-Life Care 2019 - 18-25 May 2019, Royal Caribbean Rhapsody of the Seas - Cruise from Venice, Italy (79853)
Please, check "Women`s Health, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault & Legal and Ethical Aspects of End-of-Life Care" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Health & Medicine: Emergency medicine, Family medicine, Geriatrics, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Internal medicine, Mental Health, Nursing, Psychiatry