The 28th World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of psychosomatic disorders with a focus on bio-psycho-social medicine.
- Stressrelated Disorders
- Somatoform Disorders, Pain and Functional Syndromes
- Eating and Weight Disorders
- Mind-Body Interaction (e.g. Psychocardiology, Transplantation Medicine, Psychoneurogastroenterology)
- Mood Disorders
- Anxiety, Trauma and OCD
- COVID-19/ Post-/Long-COVID and Fatigue
- Psychooncology
- Supervision and Balint Group
- Planetary Health and Climate Change
- Psychotherapy Research
- Gender Medicine and Female Mental Health
- Health Services Research
- Fostering Early Career Researchers
- Intercultural Aspects in Psychosomatic Medicine (including Eastern Perspectives on Psychosomatics)
- Prevention and Early Interventions
- Patient Involvement and Participatory Research
- Computational Psychosomatics including eHealth and Artificial Intelligence
- Specialist Therapies (e.g. Art Therapy, Music Therapy)
- Psychophysiology, Psychoneuroendocrinology and -immunology
- Varia
- Education and Innovative Teaching Concepts
Who should Attend
Researchers, educators, and practitioners of psychosomatic medicine.