Body Nutrition - Age defying foods, Supplements, Menopause And Osteoporosis, Oncological Health, Ageing Skin and Care - Wrinkles and Hair Loss, Senses impairment- vision, hearing, ENT, Musculoskeletal- Ageing upper limbs, lower limbs and spine, Sports and physical activity for longevity, Disability and ageing- Multi-discipline collaboration, Injury and fall prevention, The Giants of atherosclerosis- Diabetes, Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Cardiovascular Health-Heart attacks, heart failure, arrthymias, Gastrointestinal Health- functional bowel disease, colon cancer, Hormone and metabolic interventions in ageing, Stem Cells, Respiratory Health- asthma, pneumonia, COPD, Fertility, Vaccinations, HIV and Allergies And Immune systems
Mind Depression, Motivation and Optimism with Ageing, Mental health in ageing, Stress, The Golden Age of Sex, Addiction and Substance abuse, Neurological Health - stroke, Parkinson`s disease, neurodegenerative disease, NeuroPlasticity, Healthy Sleep, Memory and dementia, Common sleep disorders and their treatment, The Dementias and Substance use disorders
Socio-Community Retirement, Healthy Ageing in Children and teenagers, Ageing Communities, Ageing Workforce, Environment and accessibility, Health and legislative policies, Recreation, Lifestyle Homes and Retirement Villages, Family and cultural issues, Loneliness And Staying Connected, Caregiving, Inequalities in health and Legal
Spirit Faith, Spirituality and Ageing, Love and Purpose in Healthy Ageing and Hope
Future Medicine Nutrigenomics, IT and Aged Care, Telemedicine and Stem Cells
Who should Attend
Academicians, medical and healthcare professionals, legislators, care givers, city planners, personnel involved in community services and public care, anyone interested in the science of healthy aging and advocates for liveable communities.
Past Events
1st World Congress on Healthy Ageing 2012 - Evolution: Holistic aging in an age of change - 19-22 Mar 2012, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre KLCC, Malaysia (19971)
Please, check "World Congress on Healthy Ageing - Evolution: Holistic aging in an age of change" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Government & Global Issues: Law & Regulations, Social issues
Health & Medicine: Cardiology, Family medicine, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Healthcare, Medical technology, Mental Health, Neurology, Oncology, Otolaryngology (ENT), Psychiatry, psychology, Wellness and fitness