Durban, South Africa will be the host of another major event in 2010. For the first time the World Congress of Refractive Error and the Sixth World Conference on Optometric Education (WCOE6), will run consecutively over one week in the stunning seaside location.
The two conferences will start with the World Congress on Refractive Error, hosted by the International Centre for Eyecare Education in association with the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (20-22 September) and conclude with WCOE6 (22-24 September) hosted by the World Council of Optometry. The two events will overlap for one dynamic afternoon and stunning dinner event which promises to provide unprecedented networking and industry exchange.
In the World Congress on Refractive Error - leaders in optometric and development fields will meet to define global eye care priorities and build strategies to achieve sustainable, integrated solutions that transcend the boundaries of eye care and encompass social, political and economic solutions.
Tth World Conference on Optometric Education enables optometric educators, from around the world, the opportunity to examine practice modes, share teaching methods and build relationships towards mutual cooperation in educational design, research and implementation.