If you are an importer/buyer, WWM 2010 proposes you to meet wine producers from France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and wines from the New World. This event offers you several benefits:
Diversity of Appellations: during the three days, we give you the opportunity to taste wines from appellations either already known or about to be. You will be able to appreciate the fullness of the wine producing areas of Europe and from the New World.
Rallying all the winemaking players: producers, wineries and wine merchants will make you taste their wines. So, each part of the trade will be represented.
Save Time: during three days you can meet more than 90 wine producers coming from all over Europe and the new world.
Save Money: everything is done to meet with your expectations: we offer you accommodation, lunches and reimbursement of your travel costs up to $300.
Reliable and motivated wine producers: we offer you up to 22 pre-organized and targeted business meetings.
Relaxed and friendly atmosphere: the mixed nature of the exchanges (informal meetings, meals taken together, sharing the same place for 3 days) contributes to qualitative relationships conducive to business.