ISLS conferences have developed into a forum for meeting of scientists involved in all aspects of luminescence spectrometry, from photoluminescence to bioluminescence and chemiluminescence, regarding both basic science and applications in biomedical, pharmaceutical, environmental and food analysis. In the previous Symposium editions all the major highlight topics in the field of luminescence and its application as detection technique have been presented.
Topics - Theoretical principles and molecular mechanism of luminescence phenomena (including photoluminescence, chemiluminescence, bioluminescence and electro-generated luminescence)
- Improvements in instrumentation for light emission measurements (laser technology, ultra-short time-resolved spectroscopy, fluorescence probes, novel imaging techniques, miniaturized systems, microchips, microarrays, fluorescence microscopy, luminescence biosensors).
- Selectivity in luminescence detection . New luminescent probes and substrates. Chemical and photochemical derivatisation methods. Novel chemiluminescence reactions, enhancers and sensitizers including nanomaterials. Luminescence in the organized media.
- Use of luminescence methods in molecular biology research and drug discovery. High-throughput screening. Biomarkers. Cellular process monitoring. In vitro/in vivo reporter gene luminescent techniques. Luminescent immunoassays and hybridization assays. Molecular luminescent imaging.
- Combination of luminescence detection with separation analytical methods (HPLC, capillary electrophoresis, GC, TLC) and with automated computer-assisted flow methods (flow-injection analysis, sequential injection analysis, sequential injection chromatography).
- Analytical applications of luminescence (drug analysis, bioanalysis, environmental monitoring, forensic and clinical assays, food safety, proteomics, genomics, trace analysis of high-purity materials in industry).