Microarray, RNA-sequencing, and expression profiling
Genome analysis
Molecular evolution
Molecular biology software development
Systems biology, biological networks, integrated biology
Statistical genetics and medical genetics
Biochemical kinetics and thermodynamics
Theoretical, mathematical, and quantitative biology
Chemical models
Chemistry (including bio-organic, bioinorganic, and biophysical)
General mathematical and methodological aspects of modelling
Drug design
Molecular pharmacology
Molecular modeling
Origins of life and "prebiotic" chemistry
Protein structure prediction
Structural biology (including methods of structure determination)
Programming, scripting and database tools (including database designs)
Text analysis and computational linguistics
Past Events
4th International Conference on Computational Chemistry and Biology (ICCCB 2020) - 2020, (68269)
3rd International Conference on Computational Chemistry and Biology (ICCCB 2019) - 19-21 Dec 2019, Seoul National University, South Korea (76183)
2nd International Conference on Computational Chemistry and Biology (ICCCB 2018) - 27-29 Dec 2018, The Cityview, Hong Kong (76182)
Please, check "International Conference on Computational Chemistry and Biology (ICCCB)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Industry: Chemicals
Science: Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Life Sciences & Biology