Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis of Organic Reactions
Analytical Chemistry
Natural Products and Heterocyclic Chemistry
Physical Organic Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Synthesis
Flow Chemistry
Inorganic Materials and Nano particles
Inorganic and Bio inorganic Catalysis
Industrial Inorganic Chemistry
Organometallic Chemistry
Advanced Trends in Organic Chemistry
Modern Organic Chemistry and Applications
Organic Photochemistry
Who should Attend
Professors in Chemistry
Associate and Assistant Professors in Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemists
Heads of Chemical Departments
Post-doctoral and Researchers in Chemistry
Laboratory Chemists
Post Graduates and Graduates in Medicinal Chemistry
Chemical Industries
Chemical Scientists working on Materials
Experts in the development of Organometallic chemistry
Past Events
3rd International Conference on Organic and Inorganic Chemistry - 2021, (85502)
2nd International Conference on Organic and Inorganic Chemistry - 16-17 Sep 2020, Online Event (77206)
International Conference on Organic and Inorganic Chemistry 2019 - 18-20 Feb 2019, Paris, France (77205)
Please, check "International Conference on Organic and Inorganic Chemistry" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements