LSR Innovations 2018 is a conference dedicated to the performance characteristics of LSR materials.
- Machinery developments (e.g. LSR mould technology, robotics, process automation)
- Material innovations & developments driving performance improvements
- Made
- Latest LSR production technologies and processing techniques that push the boundaries of what can be
- New design and processing possibilities offered by LSR materials and new technologies, e.g. 3D printing
- Specific part and mould design considerations
- Discussion of market trends and opportunities for LSR
- Part simulation/process simulation
- And sealing technology)
- Case studies of application development and production (e.g. medical, healthcare, electrical & electronic
- R&D projects relating to LSR
- Emerging applications such as polymer-based optics for high performance LED lighting systems
- Gaining a performance advantage using LSR
Who should Attend
Materials and processing technology experts, processors and end-users.