- Emergence of Methanol Futures trading & opportunities
- Global Methanol & Feedstock (Coal, Natural Gas, etc) market dynamics
- Drivers for Growth in Derivatives Markets (Formaldehyde, Acetic Acid, MMA, etc)
- Methanol Pricing Outlook, Trade-Flow & Shipping/Freight Market
- Evolving Use of Methanol in Transportation Fuels (MTBE, Biofuels, Methanol-Blended Fuels & DME)
- Technical & Economics Updates on Methanol Synthesis from Syngas, MTO & MTP
The 7th Methanol Markets & Tech 2012 brings together executives from the following industries: Petrochemicals - Methanol, Oil and Gas - Coal - Biomass, Formaldehyde, Acetic Acid, DME, MTBE, Derivatives/Downstream, Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC), Biodiesel, Automotives and and Technology/Catalysts/Additives.