Key points of contact in the healthcare process to improve outreach to patients and describe modalities and methods that can improve the likelihood of completed referrals
Steps important in adapting the electronic health record to deliver automated opt-out referrals for tobacco use
Clinical strategies and best practices for care of tobacco use disorder in underserved populations
Resources to improve messaging and service delivery to underserved populations
Who should Attend
Tobacco treatment specialists
Physician assistants
Nurse practitioners
Chemical dependency counselors
Respiratory therapists
Wellness coaches
Dental hygienists
Social workers
Past Events
30th Annual Nicotine Dependence Center Conference: Tobacco Treatment and Digital Care - 27-28 Mar 2023, ASU Health Futures Center, Phoenix, Arizona, United States (2974)
29th Annual Nicotine Dependence Center Conference: Caring for the Hard-to-Reach Patient - 28-29 Mar 2022, Online Event (94181)
Please, check "Nicotine Dependence Center Conference: Caring for the Hard-to-Reach Patient" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Health & Medicine: Family medicine, Healthcare, Mental Health, psychology, Pulmonology, Wellness and fitness