We are very delighted to invite you to participate at The 11th International Chemistry conference and Exhibition (11 ICCA) to be held in the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University; in Luxor, Egypt in the period 20th -23th November 2010.
We have been fortunate to get outstanding scientists from universities, industry, and research institutes to participate in one of important events in Africa and a reference around the world in the subjects of The Role of Chemistry in Development of Africa . The conference will comprise presentations from invited speakers as well as contribution from professionals from various parts of the world who are involved in different aspects of chemistry topics.
This conference and exhibition will present challenges and opportunities for national and international organizations who are engaged in the fields of research in chemistry to meet scientists, engineers, other professionals and decision makers.
We cordially welcome you to experience all of these and have an informative and enjoyable time in Egypt and to visit Luxor